We sincerely apologize for the silence over the past 2 months- we have been hard at work in creating Version 2.0 of Mo-Billing. We are excited to launch the new version today in iTunes and Google Play stores. The new version can also be accessed via the web at jsapp.mo-billing.ca for doctors and jsapp.mo-billing.ca/admin for billing agents. The new version is more intelligent and has increased content for both the doctor and the billing agent.
For those of you unfamiliar with the application it automates the medical billing process for doctors and their billing agents. Doctors are able to electronically collect, store and deliver their claims and billing agents are able to electronically receive and store the claims. Soon Mo-Billing will have direct submission capability to the Ministry of Health. Below we share some screen shots of the new application.
The Dashboard
Organize all your claims, in one location. The bottom tabs on the dashboard allow you to easily switch between your saved, submitted, rejected and paid claims.
Creating a claim
Have the added flexibility of creating claims for more than one specialty. In your profile specify which templates you want available to you when creating a claim. Then when you create a new claim you can choose which template to use.
Simply take a picture of the patient sticker to record their information. Fill in all other required fields, such as hospital, diagnosis and admission date. All your hospitals and diagnosis codes are pre-loaded into the app.
Enter the admission date, first seen and last seen date so Mo-Billing is able to automatically generate your service codes for you. After entering in the information change pages using the bottom tabs.
For consults, you can choose the type of consult, and indicate any special visit and travel premiums. Certain consults have time limitations- Mo-Billing will let you know if you met the time requirement for certain consults. Also, there are limitations to the number of premiums you can use- Mo-Billing tracks this for you so you know if you've reached a limit.
After entering the details, simply click generate to automatically generate your service codes. You can add or delete codes to certain days or add a new day all together.
Simplify communication. If you have any comments regarding the claim you can leave a comment for your billing agent. Likewise they can leave one for you.
The Dashboard
Organize all your doctors' claims in one location. For each doctor, keep track of which claims are submitted to the Ministry of Health, paid or rejected.
Viewing Claims
Find what you are looking for quickly. Choose the doctor of interest and the status of the claims you are interested in.
To view a claim click edit and see all the details you would normally receive on paper- right on your screen! Simplify communication. If you have any comments regarding the claim you can leave a comment for the doctor. Likewise they can leave one for you. Update the status of the claim so you and the doctor can keep track of everything.
That concludes the quick run through of the application. We are continuously working to improve and add content to Mo-Billing to better suit the needs of doctors and billing agents. We are currently working on implementing submission capability to the Ministry of Health. Billing agents will be able to simply review the the information on Mo-Billing and at a click of a button submit it to the Ministry of Health- data transfer to a third party billing software and the software all together will no longer be needed!
Please contact us at info@mo-billing.ca with any questions.
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