Friday, 7 March 2014

Mo-Billing Featured by Invest Ottawa

When I started the GrindSpaceXL program at Invest Ottawa one of the first things we were told is: "What you get out of the program depends on what you put into the program". Makes sense.

Simply being a part of the GrindSpaceXL program teaches you how to take a start-up from an idea to product to sales, and everything in between- information that is essential to someone without a business background (such as myself). However, to truly get the most out of the program you need to put what you learn in the classroom to practice. I think of GrindSpaceXL as one of the many university classes I have taken in the past. You sit through class, learn a lot of information, then to make that information stick, you have to do your homework. In our case, our homework is taking the concepts we learn in class and figuring out a way to implement those concepts within our business.

Read about how doing things this way has really paid off for us in the article written by Invest Ottawa:

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